My dad passed away at age 77
around 11 p.m. on December 10, 2014. I miss him a lot.
He liked cinnamon rolls and root
beer floats and popcorn. He hated cooked spinach and soggy bread.
His little girls would ask
"wiggle your ears, Daddy," but he wouldn't. Until we looked away and
looked back out of the corner of an eye and caught him.
He wove doilies in his free time
in the army. And fixed helicopters. He took photos of tulips in Holland. He
loved his '57 Chevy.
He hated plumbing and electrical
work. He was a carpenter. He brainstormed designs aloud, sketching on paper
napkins during dinner, explaining how the pieces went together. He always had a
pen in his pocket.
He made sure we had wiper fluid
in our cars. And called us to the back window to watch a sunset.