Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vacation, Days 5 and 6

Rhubarb hills transplanted from
grandma's garden in the '60s
Day 5

Yes, yes. I'm behind in posting. Been busy having fun. Gimme a break. First day back to work today, and vacation glow lingers. Ahhhh.

Highlights: Last root canal appointment, breakfast with my parents (zucchini bread french toast). Neither of these photographed well.

But the spring discoveries in my parents' yard -- that's another story. Flowers were dressed like spring, themselves.

Raised beds -- daffodils and heliotrope

Notice the little purple wild violets along the edge of the top bed



Fancy daffodils


Mom sizes up the garden

Grecian windflower

Dad fixing edging

Great-grandpa's oak -- started as an acorn from his timber,
in a little pot on his nursing home windowsill.

Little buds

Checking out herbs that wintered over

Crocus about to bloom

Hen and chicks



Forsythia and redbud

Volunteer marigolds


Pretty, green, budding

Grecian windflower that escaped the bed
-- its pale purple didn't photograph



Pretty little wild violets

Sweet little plant


Trillium, again -- love those greens

Day 6

Quilt store shopping and cut-cut-cutting out fabrics for a quilt for my mom.


ChristinaBakes said...

Are the succulents newly planted or did they survive the winter? I can't believe so many flowers have bloomed already!

SheriB said...

The succulents wintered over. I believe they're several years old already, so it isn't just our mild winter.